Pragmatic Analysis Of Lucy Virtual Learning
The aims of this research are: 1) To find out sometypes ofpragmatic deixis used by Lucy in virtual learning English; 2) To find out the dominant pragmatic of deixis used by lucy in virtual learning English. This research investigated how dopragmatic deixis used by Lucy virtual learning English on YouTube with the help of transcript by the video of Lucy in Virtual learning English which may help the researcher to find the type of deixis of Lucy. This research is descriptive research. Type of this research is qualitative design. This research used primary data that is transcript of 5 videos of Lucy in virtual learning English that analyzed in this research, the secondary data is taken from journal that related with this research. The result of this research are: researcher found totally From the number of 45 extract, the researcher found 484 were person deixis, spatial deixes were 74 and temporal were 14 in, in the table those above describe that there are several data in section in frequency and percentage of deixis. The most dominant of Lucy used is 1st singular that is 205 time.
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