An Analysis Of Teaching Strategies Used By English Lecturers In Increasing Students’ Motivation At Fourth Semester In STKIP Taman Siswa Bima In Academic Year 2018/2019
The purpose of research were to analyze teaching strategies used by English lecturers and to analyze students responses of teaching strategies used by English lecturers in increase students’ motivation. This research were descriptive qualitative research method. The subject of this research were the lecturers in English Education Program, Teacher Training and Education. To collect the data, the researcher used video recording, interview, questionnaire and document to added the data. Based on the result finding the researcher can be concluded that the teaching strategies used by English lecturers can increase students’ motivation at fourth semester. English lecturers at fourth semester used same strategies in teaching based on video record and different strategies of the result interview. The first lecturer by applying always used discussion strategies and the second lecturer sometimes used cooperative strategies but dependent on the lesson different lesson different strategies his used but he always used strategies in teaching. Of the 21 students 18 students gave good responses to the first English lecturer while 3 students gave bad responses. If the second English lecturer of the 24 students all of the students gave good responses.
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