Heuristic Strategy In Basic Reading Course
The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of implementation heuristic strategy in basic reading course. This study used quantitative descriptive research. The design of the study used is one shot case study. This study was conducted at second semester of English Program Study STKIP Taman Siswa Bima in Academic years 2020/202 and subjects of this study were 22 students. Instrument in this research are the analysis of students final score test and observation checklist in learning interest. The result showed that the application of Heuristic strategy in basic reading course is effective to enhance the students to mastery the course. The minimum score obtained by the students is 70 and the maximum score is 80 with category high, while the learning interest of students showed Focus of attention, feeling, and thoughts on learning because of the interest, show from attitude and enthusiasms of students during teaching learning process is 85,3%, Feeling pleasure in learning which is shown by participation during learning activities 78,3%, and Willingness or tendency of the subject to be actively involved in learning and to get best result in 80,4%.
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